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Walter Melon
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Elixir, education and playground

Elixir has been a language on my list of things to familiarize myself with for a while. Not for any particular reason of my own but it does pose some interesting solutions for difficult performance problems.

elixir learning
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React 16.6.0 released

React 16.6.0 is officially out and introduces two new HOCs .memo() and .lazy() and they offer up some interesting futures.

react 16.6.0 code-splitting
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GraphQL primer part two

Previously, I covered the basics of GraphQL schema definition including types, queries, and mutations. In part two I'll be diving into creating a GraphQL service and server with Prisma, MySQL, and Apollo Server.

graphql schema api
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Rapid prototyping with AWS AppSync and serverless

Sometimes you need to be able to prototype an application or portion of one quickly and your data/access layer shouldn't get in the way. Fortunately, AWS AppSync makes this wholly simple.

30 minutes graphql serverless aws appsync
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GraphQL primer part one

In November I'll be giving a talk about GraphQL to the Asheville Javascript Developers group. From schema definition to its use in today's applications. This is part one of three of what will become that talk.

graphql schema api
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Filtering Gatsby blog results

Gatsby ships and uses an incredibly powerful transformer built on top of remark to allow one to filter results based on front matter and other parts of parsed markdown.

graphql gatsby react
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Publish TypeScript module declarations and bundling with rollup

It seems there's some tightly guarded industry secrets around publishing TypeScript module declarations effectively. Let's break it down.

typescript npm rollup
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Migrating my team from flow to TypeScript

After approximately 2 years of working with flow and its frustrations I decided it was time to move fully into TypeScript.

typescript flow react

Animations in React Native with layoutAnimation

Using LayoutAnimation to perform css transition like animations. I've been working with React Native since early 2016.

react native animation

Testing redux reducers

A coworker asked me to write up an article detailing testing Redux Reducers.

react redux testing
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Redux primer

A basic, barebones tutorial for Redux


Node, mongoose, and user authentication

Code snippets for user authentication with mongoose schemas.

node mongodb authentication

Managing redux side effects with async await

Sagas are great. However, they come with an extensive and somewhat complicated api and they require functional knowledge of generators. Here I revist my react-boilerplate repo refactored with async/await side effect management.

react redux testing

React boilerplate

The majority of my front end development focus recently has been with react-native. So much in fact that I felt I might have lost touch with using ReactDOM alongside so many of the packages/libraries I've grown accostumed to with react-native development.

react boilerplate
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Cluster computing with a raspberry pi bramble

My goal here was to simply create a cluster of raspberry pi 3s (colloquially referred to as a bramble).

project rpi cluster computing

Testing redux sagas, round two

Going further in depth on patterns for testing sagas.

react testing redux
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Testing redux sagas

I've been debating what I should tackle as my first article. I've never been the best at writing technical articles or how-to guides, but it is something I've always wanted to put to my hands.

react testing redux