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Walter Melon

Managing redux side effects with async await

Sagas are great. However, they come with an extensive and somewhat complicated api and they require functional knowledge of generators. Here I revist my react-boilerplate repo refactored with async/await side effect management.

The effects branch contains the changes detailed in this post.

The Basics

With redux-saga we're ultimately using a promise like approach for side effect management. It comes with a series of functions that describe to the saga middleware the expectation of the yields.

With the async/await approach we avoid the complications of using generators and rely soley on ES2017 async modifiers. The project now has a dependency of redux-effex which provides some utilities for setting up the async functions (nothing quite as complicated as sagas).

Our First Async Side Effect

The most basic side effect of the boilerplate app is expecting the app to load. Previously with redux sagas that generator looked like this:

export function* watchAppLoaded() {
  while (true) {
    yield take(Types.LOADED);

    yield put(Actions.fetchPosts());

We eventually fork the saga as part of the export.

With redux-effex and async functions we can rework this side effect as:

import type { EffectParams } from 'redux-effex';

async function loadedAync({ action, dispatch, getState }: EffectParams) {

export default [
    action: Types.LOADED,
    effect: loadedAync,
    error: errorHandler,

We've defined an async function loadedAsync that performs the same dispatch as the saga. Note the added destructing syntax of the function signature.

I'm not going to go into detail about the export syntax for redux-effex. It's documented well enough.

Awaiting for Async Responses

With redux-saga we have to yield to the call saga method for our API calls. With redux-effex we can simply define an expression as await. The previous example dispatched the FETCH_POSTS action. Here is the async function for handling the side effects.

async function fetchPostsAsync({ actions, dispatch, getState }: EffectParams) {
  const response = await Api.getPosts();

  if (response.ok) {
  } else {
    // Some error

export default [
    action: Types.FETCH_POSTS,
    effect: fetchPostsAsync,
    error: errorHandler,


We don't have to enforce our intimate knowledge of generators in situations where we want to manage redux side effects. Relying on ES2017 async/await is a simple enough alternative.